The following guide will show you How to Install TiviMate IPTV player on Firestick , Fire TV, and Android TV/Google TV devices.

We provide both a screenshot guide as well as a video tutorial that covers all aspects of this fabulous application.

This article also provides setup instructions and tips to help you get the most out of it on your preferred device.

The most recent version of this app is version 4.7.0.

TiviMate is one of the best IPTV Players available for use on any device including the Amazon Firestick.

Premium Features

Those who opt for the Premium plan are provided with over a dozen valuable features including:

  • Scheduled recordings
  • Custom recurring recordings
  • Support for multiple playlists
  • Parental Controls
  • Picture-in-Picture
  • Favorites management
  • Catch-up
  • Customizable TV Guide update intervals
  • Customizable Panels transparency and timeout
  • Customize Groups and best iptv services
  • Manual Channels sorting
  • Turning on the last channel on the app start iptv
  • Auto frame rate (AFR)
  • Reminder to automatically play channel
  • Many More

As you can see iptv without the upgrade, there isn’t much sense in using the app.

We suggest first installing the free app via the instructions below. If you like it, you can register for the premium release and we cover that as well in this article.

How to Install TiviMate on Firestick/Android TV/Google TV

Use the guides below for installation and set up instructions for this application iptv on your preferred device.

We highly recommend viewing the video tutorial that provides additional details iptv not provided iptv in the screenshot guide below iptv

Video Tutorial

Step 1 – Prepare Your Streaming Device

1. From the home screen of your device, hover xtreme hd iptv over the Find button and then click the Search box legal iptv.

click the search box

2. Search for and select Downloader.

select downloader

3. Choose the Downloader app.

choose the downloader app

4. Click Download or Get.

click get or download

5. Wait for the app to install.

wait for downloader app to install

6. You will then encounter Downloader Ready to launch! message.

downloader ready to launch message

7. Return to the home screen to hover over Settings and click My Fire TV.

return to the settings menu and choose my fire tv

8. Choose Developer Options.

IMPORTANT: Please see the notes below if you don’t see Developer Options on your screen.

choose developer options

9. Click Install unknown apps.

click install unknown apps

10. Find the Downloader app and click it.

click the downloader app

11. This will turn Unknown Sources to On for the Downloader app and enable side-loading on your device.

unknown sources now on for downloader

Developer Options Not Available

If you are unable to locate developer options within settings, follow the instructions below to enable this to use the Downloader App.

1. Hover over the Settings icon and click My Fire TV.

Hover over the Settings icon and click My Fire TV.

2. Click About.

Note: Notice Developer Options is missing.

click About

3. Hover over Fire TV Stick and click the OK button on your remote 7 times to become a developer.

click the name of fire tv device 7 times

4. Click the back button on your remote and you will notice Developer Options is now showing within My Fire TV.

click back button

Now that I’ve properly prepared my Firestick it’s time to move onto the next step.

Step 2 – Setup TiviMate

1. Launch the Downloader Application.

launch the downloader app

2. Hover over the URL bar and click the select button on your remote

hover over the url bar and click the select button on your remote

3. Type the Downloader Code for the TROYPOINT Toolbox which is 250931 and click Go.

type downloader code for the troypoint toolbox and click go

4. You will then encounter a Redirect page.

redirect page troypoint toolbox

5. You are then met with the TROYPOINT Toolbox home screen.

you are then met with the troypoint toolbox home screen

6. Scroll down to find TiviMate and click Download.

click download to install tivimate

7. Wait for the app to install.

wait for install to complete

8. Click Install.

click install

9. You will then encounter Ready to launch! message. Click Done.

ready to launch message appears

10. Click Done.

click done

11. This will take you back to the Downloader app. Click Delete to remove the installation file.

click delete to remove installation file

12. Click Delete again.

click delete again to confirm

Installation is now complete. Continue reading to learn how to set up the app on your preferred device.

How To Setup Free Version

After the app installation is complete, we can open the app and authorize an IPTV Service for use.

NOTE: Initializing an IPTV Service within TiviMate requires an M3U URL or Xtream Code. This can usually be found in your service welcome e-mail or by contacting customer support.

The steps below show how to set up the free version with your preferred IPTV Service

1. Open the app and click Add Playlist.

click add playlist

2. Choose M3U playlist or Xtream Codes.

choose m3u playlist or xtream code

3. Click Enter URL.

select enter URL

4. Enter the M3U URL or your preferred IPTV Service.

In this guide, we are using the free Samsung TV Plus M3U URL which provides hundreds of free live channels.

enter m3u url and click next

5. Click Next.

click next

6. You will then see a Playlist is processed message with Channel count and your Playlist name. Click Next.

click next again

8. If the EPG URL does not auto-import, you can insert it here.

Some IPTV providers offer a separate M3U URL for your EPG. Click Done.

click next for m3u playlist

9. Choose Your Playlist.

select your preferred playlist

10. Click OK.

click ok

11. TV Guide will import and you are able to start viewing!

electronic program guide

It is important to note that those who choose to use the free app will miss out on tons of fabulous features.

For example, if you try adding a channel or channels to favorites you will be prompted with the following message:

unlock premium TiviMate message

For those who wish to use the free version, simply click Cancel and continue using the app at no charge

If you purchase the premium option through the Companion app, we can log in for added benefits.

If you need to create an account, you can follow the instructions below on how to do that through Google Play Store.


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